Getting ready to go
You know that feeling when you’re getting ready for a trip? It’s exciting that the vacation is coming up and somehow you manage to fit all the things you need to get done in. If you’re a really hoopy frood* then you’ve got time to spare, but that rush of living at high efficiency with the pay off at the end. That’s being more present.
Or, if you’ve ever made a big move, the feeling in the back of your mind telling you to enjoy every moment because it will be a long time before you get these experiences again. You rejoice in the moment, appreciate the joys as they are and love it with the bittersweet knowledge of loss, yet can be more fully engaged.
Yet if we stop and think, every moment is preparation for a greater trip, your body decomposes and time moves on. Your footprints themselves do not last forever, but the cumulative echo of everything you’ve done changes the world forever.
* = a really really together person